Saturday, February 23, 2013

President Obama's Inauguration

So, as we all should know by now (I mean people who live in the U.S.A) Barack Obama was re-elected for president! He had another inauguration (as any other president would of). The inauguration's setting was in the United States Capitol building on January 21, 2013. They had a theme of "Faiths in Americas Future". "Faiths in Americas Future" comes from the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.

Sorry About That

Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't been able to blog in like a year......... I couldn't find the password. Now,   I know how since I haven't blogged in a long time that now I owe you guys like 20 posts.... so I am going to do a lot today. I didn't even get to post about are presidents inauguration! I mean, how rude do I look....